Game Journal Minecraft Dungeons: All there is to know Minecraft Dungeons has just been announced E3 2019. I’m excited to start playing epic title. I love the OG Minecraft. I remember building my extravagant dirt hut (don’t judge), when suddenly a creeper...
Game Journal Link’s Awakening Remake: What you need to know This past E3 has been jammed pack with epic titles. There are two that I have to play before kicking the bucket. The first is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s Sequel. The second is The...
Game Journal Breath of the Wild Sequel: Top 5 Fan Theories We learned at E3 2019 that The Legend of Zelda will be getting a new family member added to the ever expanding franchise. Best of all, this new game will be reusing some of Breath of the Wild’s assets,...
Game Journal Breath of the Wild 2: Everything We Know So Far I am well versed in The Legend of Zelda franchise having played Ocarina of Time, Majorah’s Mask, Twilight Princess, Minish Cap, Four Swords, and even the first Zelda (i hope to one day be able to tell my...