2018 Archives Archives | VARIGON STUDIOS

Ain’t that Special

Game Journal Ain’t that Special Well, well, well. It’s that time again. This is where I write about what I have done this week and where you are taken aback by its Epic-ness-city (right?). This week I finally finished all of Dathon’s Melee attacks....

Cave Tileset

Game Journal Cave Tileset   This week I worked on creating the cave tileset. The cave tileset has the same tiles as the seasonal tiles. I also created a new interactive block(Guardian Stone). The guardian stone will provide tips and warnings in game before...

Changing of Seasons

Game Journal Changing of Seasons This week I created tile variants for separate biomes / seasons. The Idea is that as the player moves through the expansive levels the scenery changes. This will encourage a more seamless gameplay experience, letting Dathon travel to...

Attacking the Problem

Game Journal Attacking the Problem This week has probably been the most productive week since the start of RANGER. I was able to overshoot my goal for the week. Dathon not knows how to defend himself with one attack but with three! There is one more Dathon attack...

The Animation

Game Journal The Animation This week, I continued working with sprites. I first made background elements working my way to Character Animations. I first started with the mountains in the deep space. Then I worked on the rocky edges of the background. Finally, I worked...


Game Journal RANGER BEGINS!  I finally started work on RANGER. It has been months that I have been conceptualizing the game, trying to figure it out. I still have some things to figure out, but it can wait. As I imagine, a lot of you will ask me WHY? Why RANGER? Well,...