Nathanael Elbert | VARIGON STUDIOS

Nathanael Elbert


Hi, I’m the CEO & Founder of VARIGON STUDIOS. I do many things, I’m a video editor, photographer, game developer, animator, graphic designer, social media director, author, and of course, Gamer.

I love video games, that’s why I decided to become a game developer and start VARIGON STUDIOS. I really enjoy writing about games and reviewing them, most of all I like sharing it with the peoples (you)!


Art Revamp & Inventory System

I'm back! After a, well, long hiatus I am back with some big changes! First off, I revamped all of the Hero's sprites and condensed them into a neat spritesheet. Don't get me wrong... but  I liked the amount of detail I drew for the Hero but it was inefficient and way...

Cave Tileset

  This week I worked on creating the cave tileset. The cave tileset has the same tiles as the seasonal tiles. I also created a new interactive block(Guardian Stone). The guardian stone will provide tips and warnings in game before approaching new or large numbers...