Art Revamp & Inventory System
I'm back! After a, well, long hiatus I am back with some big changes! First off, I revamped all of the Hero's sprites and condensed them into a neat spritesheet. Don't get me wrong... but I liked the amount of detail I drew for the Hero but it was inefficient and way...
Google Stadia: The Low Down
Google has just launched Google Stadia, the Netflix of Gaming. What is it? What games will be available to play? Is it worth it?
Minecraft Dungeons: All there is to know
Minecraft Dungeons was announced at E3 2019. So far it looks like an epic game based off of classic dungeon crawlers. This is all there is to know about Minecraft Dungeons!
Link’s Awakening Remake: What you need to know
Link’s Awakening Remake will feature many of the same gameplay that the 1993 release had. However, Eiji Aouma says there are brand spanking new features.
Breath of the Wild Sequel: Top 5 Fan Theories
The Sequel to Breath of the Wild has been confirmed! Follow me as I uncover and dissect some popular and very interesting fan theories.
Breath of the Wild 2: Everything We Know So Far
A Sequel to Breath of the Wild 2 has been confirmed! In light of that let’s do a deep dive into everything we know about Breath of the Wild 2.
NINE LIVES: The Start of a Journey
Back in September, a team was setup to create a game of epic proportions. This game is not about the size of its world or the droves of endless enemies. No, this game is all about the story, the story of three individual cats.
Ain’t that Special
Well, well, well. It's that time again. This is where I write about what I have done this week and where you are taken aback by its Epic-ness-city (right?). This week I finally finished all of Dathon's Melee attacks. The last to go was the Special Attack. The special...
Cave Tileset
This week I worked on creating the cave tileset. The cave tileset has the same tiles as the seasonal tiles. I also created a new interactive block(Guardian Stone). The guardian stone will provide tips and warnings in game before approaching new or large numbers...
Changing of Seasons
This week I created tile variants for separate biomes / seasons. The Idea is that as the player moves through the expansive levels the scenery changes. This will encourage a more seamless gameplay experience, letting Dathon travel to different heights and zones all...
Attacking the Problem
This week has probably been the most productive week since the start of RANGER. I was able to overshoot my goal for the week. Dathon not knows how to defend himself with one attack but with three! There is one more Dathon attack animation to come (the special...
The Animation
This week, I continued working with sprites. I first made background elements working my way to Character Animations. I first started with the mountains in the deep space. Then I worked on the rocky edges of the background. Finally, I worked on creating the tiles that...
I want to create a video game that will have a 2D Pixel Art Aesthetic and simplistic controls, so simplistic, in fact, you can play the game on your phone using only one hand, but at the same time have the game be deeply rooted in story.
Breath of the Wild: Preemptive Game Review
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild isn’t out yet. However, I’ve decided to gather all the info I could and make a review of what I think it could be!